SMS texting - built for conversation. Two-way text and talk. Ideal for stickiness, engagement and building relationships.

Two-way, conversational texting, when you need it most, to engage, persuade and have meaningful conversations. Do you solve complex problems and have long-sales cycles? Or maybe you have a deeply involved and engaged set of high value or passionate customers.

Our two-way text messaging platform can help. Broadcast, one-to-many text messages combined with private channel many-to-one response, means you have conversations, now, with a broad range of customers. And all of it - one-to-one, not like a common group text, you experience on your personal cell phone. Almost instant feedback and response - because people read text messages when they get them - typically within 90 seconds or less.

Simple. Personalized. Timely. Send NOW and have instant engagement.

Learn more about pricing plans here.

Compare LeadSticker vs. MailChimp SMS. Click here.

See why two-way texting is ideal for Publishers here.

What is Two-Way SMS?

We like to think of two-way SMS as conversational mass texting. It happens when you send a mass text to a large body of people (e.g. 500 – although 500 isn’t really a large group but it helps to illustrate) and 50 people respond with individual comments.  Our SMS platform is one-to-many for sending (e.g. a mass text sent to 500 people) with many-to-one private responses (Two-way SMS).  When those 50 people respond, individual messages will be returned directly to you in a private message.  You can then respond and carry on 50 one-to-one, private conversations.  This is a great way to build and nurture “raving fans”. Example send:

 “Aloha Keoni, thanks for visiting yesterday for our traditional Leonard’s “Malasada Day”. Let me know your favorite Malasada flavor and if you have a new flavor suggestion we should offer next year.  Thanks, Lenny.  Reply STOP to unsubscribe.”

Example response: “Thanks Lenny! Loved the Mango Magic. Hope you make something new with dragon fruit! Mahalo!”

Text or call to get set up NOW. 206-312-2129

Click HERE to see ChatGPT version: what is two-way SMS

Raised hands with cell phones

What is a Mass Text?

A mass text is a broadcast message sent to your entire mobile phone list of customers (or a certain segment) via text message.  Mass text messages are often promotional but they are super effective as invitations to events and for broad based thank-you’s.  And  personalization makes a huge difference!

Personalized mass text messages can include things like name, event dates, location, travel directions and so much more.

When sending a mass text it’s important to include the basics: the name of your company or person sending the text, a concise, friendly offer or invitation and how to unsubscribe or STOP future text messages.

With our text messaging platform it’s important to be available to respond to individual messages received - because LeadSticker is built for conversation.  When customers receive your text message, many will be inclined to respond and you should be available to respond to their response.  In other words, to encourage and carry on a conversation.  This is the secret sauce that makes LeadSticker text messaging so valuable in today’s world.  It is a two way conversational platform.

Click HERE to see pricing. 

Click HERE to see the ChatGPT version: what is a mass text?  

Mass Text Messaging – Built for NOW

Mass text messaging is a great way to reach a broad set of customers in a very short time frame.  When you need more foot traffic, more sales and more interest – NOW – sending a mass text is a great way to go.

 A well-crafted, personalized message can reinforce your brand to loyal customers or even a few forgotten customers. 

Text messages are ideal for getting people to community events, letting them know you have excess capacity or open seats, and can be a life saver when you need to sell a boat load of perishable product or deliver the most impactful news that is hot off the press and moves markets.   

Text messages work best when they are personalized, concise and consistent with your already established relationship.  And, best of all – SMS Marketing – is possibly the most effective communications channel on the planet today with 95% open rates.

Text or call to Sign up NOW. 206-312-2129

What is A2P and why should I care?

A2P simply stands for application-to-person.  It is a common way for many companies to send text messages to customers and large groups of people.  It is the development and use of software to manage and send text messages.

Marketing automation companies like HubSpot, Salesforce, Adobe, Oracle and others all use software to trigger and send personalized messages to customers.  This is A2P in action.

Why should I care?

A2P brings improved deliverability and increased throughput on carrier networks.  This is primarily due to the registration process carriers are increasingly embracing.  When a sending party is registered, they become a “known entity” to the carriers and are subject to less filtering, throttling and potential shutdowns.

Click HERE to see the ChatGPT version: what is A2P?