Avis has a clue and does it the right way.
Normalization of response rates and why it matters.
Response rates normalize as you increase volumes. Don’t be misled by early pockets of success.
Impersonal transactional text messaging. Is that the best we can do?
Retailers know how to say “thanks for the purchase”, but then what?
When is it too late to send that text?
Everything you need for the perfect shave - and it’s only three ($) bucks.
Your newest SMS message at 7:00am may be cutting it too close…
Perfect Recall - There’s an App for that!
Perfect Recall - There’s an App for that!
Outsmarting the Amazon Logistics Onslaught
This morning it occurs to me there is a business model that just might disrupt the disruptor – Amazon. Maybe, and that is a strong MAYBE - but hey, it’s worth exploring.
The Law of External Dependence
By 2020, 85% of interactions between businesses and customers will be done without human intervention” – Gartner 2014.