Perfect Recall - There’s an App for that!

Nerve map of human brain in the shape of a head, profit shot, face looking left.

Running along the blvd in Hollywood must be inspiring, as new thoughts came rolling in…

Amazon is buying and working its way into the healthcare industry. This is not new information for watchers of Amazon. However, consider the following ideas:

Customer life cycle marketing reaches a new level of “customer intimacy” when the Smartphone uses cognitive computing and DNA sampling to enable perfect recall.

Imagine the marketing requirements when the Smartphone combines DNA sampling and near-field wireless communications to scan, analyze and enable perfect recall from the human brain.

…swipe your finger across the screen…and the “tactile sampler” uses your DNA to “unlock” the records in your mind.  This includes everything you have ever seen, heard, tasted, touched, felt or imagined.  The record has everything you have ever said, thought or experienced. Or if the tactile sampler is not available, maybe a very large database of DNA samples could be a worthy substitute (Ancestry comes to mind).

The DNA sample is the golden key that identifies perfectly that it is in fact “you” and opens the app to scan and retrieve everything stored in your mind (think of this as decoding memories written into the fleshy tables of your brain)…

The perfect recall app is a service of “IBM” and is part of their “Watson” cognitive computing service. It is completely personalized to a unit of one - you and any other subscriber who wants personalized medicine.

The interface is your voice, and once the app is open you speak what it is you are searching for and the cognitive solution retrieves the past memory from your mind and displays it in full color, in rich media on the screen of your smart phone… everything is there… the memory recall function of your mind has been opened through the DNA sample and the Perfect Recall app that you downloaded to your Smartphone device is doing its job…perfectly.

You can even choose to “broadcast” the experience and share it with your friends and family that are with you; not that they are necessarily physically with you…but using telepresence capabilities and free-form optical network display technology it is played out in “living color” right before your eyes and their eyes.

The rudimentary technology of Google Glass was useful in its time or even the current version of Oculus VR but clearly unable to match the capabilities of the two eyes already implanted in your head and integrated with the perfect storage capabilities of your brain… however, as a “playback” device it has proven to be quite useful as it provides the “device platform” for “customer journey experiences”. Sounds far fetched and little out their right?

A few years back, I was fond of giving my children the following advice:

“There are no secrets on the web… and by the way, everything is on the web.”

So what does a marketer have to do in this future realm of customer intimacy and what role do they have in mapping the customer journey?  And let’s try and remember the customer has “opted-in, and technology is the great enabler of choice.” 

When the marketing department includes a team genetic scientists and the consumer is using a DNA sampler on his/her Smartphone (or when a company like Amazon owns not only the healthcare practice but also acquires a rather large DNA database); when this technology is enabled with cognitive computing services, relationships of trust are still required and extremely important.  Whether those relationships are person-to-person or between a person and a company; the relationship still must be built on principles of mutual respect and a desire by both parties to stay in the relationship.

If my Smartphone uses a DNA sampler and I trust my optometrist or medical doctor – which I do, with certain parts of my physical experience – then if the DNA sample taken today through my Smartphone indicates a developing problem with my eyes, an “automated alert” message can be delivered to me in real-time asking if I want to schedule an appointment with my eye doctor; perhaps even tomorrow morning at 10:30am – because the doctor just happened to have a cancellation today.

In addition, if “Allergan” is a trusted partner of mine and I want to retrieve an offer from them for their newest contact lens that was built specifically for me using cognitive models beause their new product can “reprogram” the neurons and chemical substrates in my eyes to prevent the eye problem from developing (courtesy of my DNA sampler, etc)

If this sounds like too much science fiction, and perhaps it is, but it could also be much closer than we think. The technology is coming and most of the rudimentary capabilities are already in market.  Marketers really do need to become experts in customer life cycle marketing and messaging platforms need to continue to scale up.

Text messaging as one example is widely used and should be a cornerstone technology for every company. At least if we give credence to today’s open rates and immediacy among the rising generation. It is almost real-time and can be automated in so many useful ways.

But who needs text messaging when we have Twitter, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and so many other real-time, online and connected service. Tell me, of these types of services, including text messaging, which one one is the most secure, personalized and stable? Which one do you trust the most to stay up and be available when you need it most?


Magnetic, optical and acoustic neural access…MOANA


A few things I learned today about text messaging by stock trading platforms.