Customer Conversion is the golden gateway to growth

paper money stacked haphazardly on top of each

A few years back I worked with a foreign currency exchange company (FX). Their in-house FX capability was the backbone of an international payments platform. I think you'd agree it's tough to make or receive international payments if you can't exchange one currency for another within the payment process. What's striking to me and the relevancy of the story for SMS automation or any kind of marketing is that IF the company could get the customer to make a 2nd international payment within 7 days, the likelihood of that customer staying and becoming a highly loyal customer went up exponentially. In essence, the key "conversion" timeframe in the customer lifecycle was 7 days. For this company and others like it, acting on the key conversion moment and scheduling relevant text messages to encourage that 2nd transaction at the right time can dramatically improve revenue and profitability.

So, what is it for your company or your business? At what point does "customer conversion" happen? And would it be worthwhile and significant to send a personalized text message or two leading up to that moment in time? Odds are it would be meaningful and impactful... and definitely worth testing.


Mass texting has a silver lining - really.


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