Boot camps are for everyone… if only they would come.

People exercise outdoor in front of a large stage with Samsung banners and rack lights

It's hard to believe but 61% of all companies have not yet adopted SMS marketing.

Some of this may be due to the fact that most businesses in this country (90%) have less than 20 employees and likely are more concerned with day-to-day operations than with digital marketing. And if you run a small gym or a whole series of boot camps to multiple groups of customers - you might just need some serious SMS automation.

Think about it - boot camps for dads, moms, brides, grooms, youth, singles, seniors and the list goes on. SMS automation might just be your best friend. Inbound short word campaigns (e.g. KETO), personalized with pre-built content, auto-responders and continuous nurturing and encouragement. Sounds heavenly, right?

#SMSMarketing #SMSMarketingSoftware #mobileSMS


Customer Experience is Everything! Oh, really?


Auto Dealers & Service Managers - they love this stuff! Text messaging that is